姓 名: |
林正雄 |
學 歷: |
碩士 |
電 話: |
04-2582**** |
手 機: |
0919523*** |
E-mail: |
bearlin0322@gmail.com |
協會職稱: |
第八屆理事長 |
現任本職: |
第八屆理事長 |
經 歷: |
行政院農業委員會種苗改良繁殖場主任 退
個人成就: |
駐斐濟技術團 團長 綜理團務工作,推動斐濟木瓜外銷及小額貸款
駐斐濟技術團 團長 綜理團務工作,推動稻種繁殖及水果加工技術推廣
駐薩爾瓦多技術團 專家 園藝作物繁殖技術推廣
I once served as an expert in Taiwan technical mission of El Salvador, responsible for the training of horticultural technology in ENA Agricultural College, and established the healthy propagation system of potato seedlings. Then I was transferred to be the leader of Taiwan technical mission of Belize. I was responsible for establishing the propagation system for rice in Belize, supplying rice seed for farmers in Belize, and also establishing the production of dried fruits of Papaya for children’s nutrition. After that, I was transferred to Taiwan technical mission in Fiji, to promote the papaya export program. Personal expertise is crop cultivation and improvement, but it has considerable experience in international cooperation. I hope that I can do my part for the work of international cooperation.
第22屆傑出農業專家得獎個人成就 |